Handsome Fella!
I spent the day with my grandson, Sawyer, last Friday. I can tell you, my mind has blocked out how much WORK it is to care for a 5 1/2 month old baby! BTW pressing an 18lb baby over your head several times in one day is a great workout for the upper chest. My chest muscles were so sore the next day.

I didn't sit down for more than 5 minutes the whole day on Friday, and somehow Pat and Courtney manage work, college (with excellent GPAs) the responsibility of home and family, including this wonderfully happy, healthy, sweet baby boy! Amazing!
Oh Susan he is such a dolly. I bet you sqwished him all day in between chasing him. Hee, hee. How I remember those days. My son (9) thinks I'm a jeti master and he likes to karate chop me when he can then we wressle and all that. I keep telling him I'm 51 but he don't care.
So cute I want to smooch him up! How happy I am for you!
How adorable is he?!!! I love babies, especially grandchildren.
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