It's snowing in Dallas, Georgia...again! I think this is the most snowfall in one winter that I've seen since I moved away from NY in 1981!! Not to burst anyone's bubble, but we do actually get snow in the South. Usually one little snow flurry or two...just enough to clear out the bread and milk aisles in every local grocery store. But, this is way above and beyond this year. I know it's a pain for everyone to drive in, but it is soooo pretty! I prefer to see the ground covered with these clean white flakes over the wet mud we usually have any day!
Wishing you a beautiful day today...whatever comes your way! Susan
Well Susan you almost have more snow than we do here in Fairfax, Vermont! I looked out this morning across the mountain range and the trees are turning from grey to deep red so Spring has started, sugaring is happening and the birds are arriving. We have had 40 to 50 degree temps and lots of sun so everything is melting fast. hugs, Judi
That is so funny...we have your weather and you have ours today! I love to witness the birth of Spring...the colors and sounds..everything slowing coming back to life. :-) Enjoy your nice weather...Susan
It is beautiful and that makes it tolerable. Can't wait for Spring.
It snowed in the Ozarks too.
What a gorgeous view! Oh how my heart longs for the country! I am stuck here in suburbia at least until #3 finishes college I think. Enjoy your snow flurries. Here in Chicago we have had tons of snow and not one snow day, much to my children's disappointment!
Hey Miss Sue I love snow but we got over 3 ft here in WV. It stopped schools for over 2 wks and everyone struggled to get around. Some of the snow piles where 8-12 ft high. The kids however loved sledding down my side street and had a ball, I even got out there too, but too many crashes and I had to quit. This ole gray mare just aint what she use to be...LOL! blessings, Cathy
How fun for you!! We still have about 2 feet on the ground so if you get green again and want s'more.....give me a call!! tee hee hee!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.....we are VERY excited to be doing these shows!! YEA!!!
Have a great Thursday!!
Beautiful Susan...I too am a snow lover..I think it is sooo beautiful :)
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